131:着物DE20歳のお祝い -Coming age celemony -

今月の着物DE遊ぼはSweet Orangeの読者の方が「娘の20歳のお祝いに振り袖着付けと撮影をお願いしたい」とご依頼をいただいたお話です。
This month's "Kimono DE Asobo" features a story from a Sweet Orange reader who requested a kimono dressing and photography session to celebrate her daughter's coming age celemony in a furisode kimono.
Sweet Orangeの記事はこちらからもご覧頂くことができます。
You can also view the Sweet Orange article from here. Sweet Orange is a free information magazine that delivers local information from the Los Angeles and SoCal area in Southern California.