世界へ羽ばたけ、浅草っ子!~Yoichi Shimizutani~

The featured individual in the September 2024 issue of SweetOrange is Mr. Yoichi Shimizutani, born at Asakusa Temple's Ichizenryuin. We introduce his insights on 'gerontology.
Sweet Orangeの記事はこちらからもご覧頂くことができます。
Sweet Orangeは南カリフォルニアロサンゼルス、SoCalエリアからローカル情報をお届けする無料情報誌です。
You can also view the Sweet Orange article from here. Sweet Orange is a free information magazine that delivers local information from the Los Angeles and SoCal area in Southern California.
The featured individual in the September 2024 issue of SweetOrange is Mr. Yoichi Shimizutani, born at Asakusa Temple's Ichizenryuin. We introduce his insights on 'gerontology.
Sweet Orangeの記事はこちらからもご覧頂くことができます。
Sweet Orangeは南カリフォルニアロサンゼルス、SoCalエリアからローカル情報をお届けする無料情報誌です。
You can also view the Sweet Orange article from here. Sweet Orange is a free information magazine that delivers local information from the Los Angeles and SoCal area in Southern California.