自分の目指すものになる~Ryo Izutsu~

The November 2024 issue of SweetOrange features 'Genki SoCal People' and introduces Suzu, a rare tattoo artist in Los Angeles specializing in the traditional Japanese tattoo art known as 'Wabori.'
Sweet Orangeの記事はこちらからもご覧頂くことができます。
Sweet Orangeは南カリフォルニアロサンゼルス、SoCalエリアからローカル情報をお届けする無料情報誌です。
You can also view the Sweet Orange article from here. Sweet Orange is a free information magazine that delivers local information from the Los Angeles and SoCal area in Southern California.
The November 2024 issue of SweetOrange features 'Genki SoCal People' and introduces Suzu, a rare tattoo artist in Los Angeles specializing in the traditional Japanese tattoo art known as 'Wabori.'
Sweet Orangeの記事はこちらからもご覧頂くことができます。
Sweet Orangeは南カリフォルニアロサンゼルス、SoCalエリアからローカル情報をお届けする無料情報誌です。
You can also view the Sweet Orange article from here. Sweet Orange is a free information magazine that delivers local information from the Los Angeles and SoCal area in Southern California.